Fuel pump adjustment
Information about unadapted fuel pump is displayed as an fault code B2139 (or U2510,B10DA-61). The pump is adjusted by OBD2 diagnostic connector.
Connect to the engine control unit (PCM) by FoCOM. Function Fuel pump Adjustment can be found at the menu ECU Programming/Coding. Selection of any other coding functions such as PATS login, delete keys, etc., is not needed for fuel pump adjustment.

Note:If you cannot find Fuel pump adjustment function in menu, please send us file with fast snapshot (go to the menu Control Unit Identification a click button Save ECU Information),part number of ECU (xxxx-12A650-xx) and the VIN code on address info@secons.com. A function will be added.
FCOM Ford OBD2 Diagnostic Software Download
How to Install FCOM Diagnostic Software on Window/Linux
For the adjustment is necessary to go through two steps related to PATS. First is in the PCM and second in the pump. The program performs these steps automatically. Type of access in first step in PCM is either timed or coding, it depends on type of the control unit. More information about PATS can be found in the relevant documents.

The left picture shows the timed access.
The right picture shows the coding access demanding INCODE.
Remember that for every OUTCODE, which a control unit generates, is necessary to get a unique INCODE. Using one and the same INCODE during more operations with PATS is not possible.
After typing a valid INCODE (or after waiting for time access), application go to the second step also related to PATS in the pump.

Waiting for access to the pump

Information about successful adjustment
As mentioned above, both accesses are very often timed.
In practice, you can also meet with the state of the pump, which do not require a second step.
If the adjustment fails, please save the debug log and send it to info@secons.com, this procedure is described in the user manual.
Diagnostics of Bosch PSG
FoCOM supports the diagnostics of pumps of TDDI engines from the manufacturer Robert Bosch GmbH. These pumps have not plugged their diagnostic pin into the OBD2 socket, it is important to connect diagnostics directly to pin of control unit. Ford IDS doesn
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