FoxFlash is a powerful solution developed for professional chiptuners, calibration engineers and control unit (ECU and TCU) repair shops. foxFlash includes multi-method control unit programming for tuning ability, this tool from tuner design ,so you can get many of them support.
How to use Manager of it ?
1. go to https://www.dfb-technology.com/download.html download foxFlash Manager app
2. install this software on your laptop
3. register this app with your email
4. input your code which tie on your device, don’t spead yours sn to internet, or others guy will try to stolen your tools password
5. connect your foxflash tool to laptop via usb cable then clicke the download button which in foxFlash app inside
After download finish ,pls open the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\FoxFlashManager\foxflash\DFB Technology\DFBTech_DRIVER
Install the drivers
6. disconnect your foxflash tool , then plugin the usb again
7. click the foxflash manager app active button till actived, then run the foxFlashappin your desktop, then input the password at the windows, click login
8. Close your software: click the close button on foxFlash Manager app , then click the foxflash exit button, you totally close ours tool and software .
9. NOTE: always run foxflash manager app each time when you need use ours tool.
Run it then click the active button, it will keep let the tool access ours server . Download just need do at the frist time you don’t have the software.
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