How to Solve Autocom Delphi Firmware Update Fail Error

This is a tutorial to fix Autocom/Delphi Firmware update Fail Error when autocom/delphi firmware can not be upgraded using Autocom/Delphi software application.

Step 1: you need to open the case of Autocom / Delphi hardware. and remove main board from case.

Step 2: Find MCU STM32 Big Grin on PCB, to enter MCU into Boot mode you need to connect legs 108 nad 138 together with some wire.
Notice: you can do that as on attached pictures (test point TP205 or TP206 connect with capacitor) but some of units have different PCB so you need to solder directly to the legs or find test points with multimeter.

Step 3: install and run “Flash Loader Demonstrator”

Step 4: Connect Autocom / Delphi hardware with your pc via USB. and supply 12V power (OBD-ii diagnostic plug).
should be light red.

Step 5: On Flash Loader Demonstrator menu. choose COM port that VCI is installed (check in device manager on your pc)

Step 6: Click NEXT- sometimes you need couple times try to have succesful connection.

Step 7: Program will ask to erase content of MCU because it is secured. When you will have connection with MCU you need choose type of MCU 1024K and on next page “Download to device” check “global erase” and show the file to upload (from attached archive).

Step 8: Press NEXT and wait about 10min.

Step 9: Autocom / Delphi firmware will be updated


Link to download “Flash Loader Demonstrator“

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