Here comes the easy step by step guide on how to repair auto DTC B3055.Hope this will bring you some enlightenment.
What is B3055 Trouble Code?
B3055:No Transponder Modulation or No Transponder Malfunction.And in another article I wrote before:Chevrolet Cruze Can Not Start & Security Light on:B3055 B2955.It shows a real case about a refit cause B3055 trouble code and vehicle can not start.
Procedures of Solving DTC B3055:
Step 1:Did you perform the Theft Deterrent Diagnostic System Check?
No:Go to diagnostic system check antitheft and alarm sytems
Yes:Go to Step 2.
Step 2:Is DTC B3055 set as a current code?
No:Go to Testing for intermittent and Poor Connections in Diagrams.
Yes:Go to Step 3.
Step 3:Inspect the vehicle
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