Ford and Mazda diagnostic software IDS was released to V130
Please kindly note:
1. Newest Software Version: IDS Ford V130, Mazda V130
2. Two models available: Ford and Mazda
3. Multi-language: English, Italian, Spanish, Spanish(Mexico), French, French(Canada), German, Dutch, Finish, Danish, Greek, Slovenian, Amer English, Vietnamese language, Turkish, Thai, Swedish, Russian, Portuguese, Portuguese(Brazil), Polish, Norwegian, Korean, Japanese, Indian, Czechic, Chinese(Taiwan), Chinese(China)
4. Update: Via CD
5. Operating System: Windows XP or WINDOWS 7
6. Vehicles Coverage: VCM II provides full dealer diagnostic capabilities for most 16 pin for Fords and Mazda
7. Best Quality, better than J2534 mode interface.
8. VCM II Scan tool can do diagnose, scan, airbag, key programming, ecu programming, PCM programming via OBD2 port
Compatible device:
VXDIAG VCX NANO Ford Mazda USB/WiFi, Ford VCM2 clone with vx manager, other VXDIAG Ford VCI scanners.
NOTE: The free driver and patch are used for vxdiag devices. Free to try it on other devices.
Free Download
Software download link:
Ford IDS V130 Installation package?
MZD IDS V131 Installation package?
Ford and Mzd patch:
How to Install Ford IDS Software?
1. Install Ford IDS-1**
2. Wait for the installation of Ford IDS
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